Hello to all my lovely ladies and gents,
This year has just flown by, its been a busy year for me with training courses and working with my classes and PT sessions. It has certainly been a year for colds and other illness, I hope you and your family have managed to stay fit and healthy during 2019.
This year has just flown by, its been a busy year for me with training courses and working with my classes and PT sessions. It has certainly been a year for colds and other illness, I hope you and your family have managed to stay fit and healthy during 2019.
I started the New year studying for Exercise prescription for Long Term Neurological Conditions, this was home learning with two long weekends at Oxford Brookes University and finally sitting exams at the University in July. It covered all aspects of the brain and how it functions, so I had the challenge of learning all of the brain anatomy. The course covered Parkinson's/Brain tumours/MS/Strokes/Motor neuro disease/Cerebral Palsy as well as many more conditions. Although I had some knowledge of these conditions beforehand, it certainly increased my knowledge so I could help my clients far more efficiently and effectively. My clients have had some brilliant results, so they are far more mobile and independent. If you know anyone who may have any of these conditions and could benefit from this training, then please do get in contact with me.
At the end of May I offered my services to ST Barnabas Hospice who were running an event HIT the Downs,a challenging 30K or 60K bike ride across the Sussex Downs. So I set up my stretch station to help the riders with very sore and tight calves/legs/hips and glutes, I had to go to some of the riders that just laid on the grass after going over the finish line.....they could not get up off the floor.
At the end of May I stopped teaching my Friday morning aqua class at Steyning leisure centre, after 14 years of teaching this class it was very emotional. In March my youngest son made me a Nanny, so now on a Friday I have Nanny duties looking after my Grandson Maximus. I had a lovely send off with lots of good wishes and lovely cards, thank you ladies I will miss you.
In June Ladies, Gents and children gathered together to take part in the Night to remember walk for St Barnabas, they did either 7 miles, 14 miles or 21 miles. You can image how sore your legs, knees and feet would be after this distance. So I set up my stretch station and was joined by another fitness professional, we helped ease their tight and sore muscles. We started our shift at midnight and finished at 4.30am, we certainly enjoyed our bacon rolls which we had for breakfast. Next years date for the Night to remember walk is 27th June, so if you fancy joining in the fun put the date in your diary and register to get your place...I will be there to ease your muscles at the end. :-) www.stbarnabas-hospice.org.uk |
As some of you may know, I enjoy being outdoors and exploring new places. So in the summer I had two long weekends away in Wales in the Gower area and North Devon, the weather was fairly kind to us so managed to go on some interesting walks. Both these areas are beautiful and the scenery is amazing, I can highly recommend visiting them. |
As the summer faded away and the Autumn started, I still managed to get some Personal training sessions outside. Extra layers were needed, but you cannot beat working out in the fresh air.
As the nights drew in classes have become busier and it has been a pleasure to welcome new ladies and gents to my classes and working with them on Personal training, it is very rewarding to see the benefits of exercise helping my clients with health issues that impact their lives.

The last couple of years I have been raising funds for Turning Tides, a Charity that works with the homeless of Worthing/Horsham and Shoreham. This December I did not have a coffee morning, but I collected donations taken from a wish list that Turning Tides sent me. Everyone in all my classes and Personal training sessions have once again been so generous, many bags of donations were taken to Turning Tides and distributed amongst the ladies and gents who needed it. Thank you to everyone who donated, it was very much appreciated.
So what will 2020 bring? I am hoping to do a few new small workshops/courses to keep my knowledge up to date and look into starting some new classes that cover fall prevention/Parkinson's/MS and other health conditions. In January I will be using a new venue for my Southwater Pilates classes held on a Thursday at 1.30pm, the new venue is:
The Church rooms
Church street
RH13 9BT
I am happy to talk to you about health issues that affect either yourself or maybe a loved one, so I may be able to give you advice on how to make these issues better. So please don't hesitate to get in contact with me either by e-mail or phone.

Its been an amazing year, I have had the pleasure of working with great ladies and gents who make my job so very enjoyable. Thank you. My partner Alan has been brilliant again at supporting me through my studies and fundraising events this year, thank you it has been very much appreciated its not easy living with a fitness professional that never relaxes! :-)
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Healthy and Happy New Year, I look forward to sharing 2020 with you.
Lorraine xx
Lorraine xx